
We are excited to announce the program for the 25th Czech Dance Platform, taking place from Monday, 1 April to Thursday, 4 April 2019 in Prague.


Zapojte se do projektu Platforma pro mladé kritiky a nahlédněte pod pokličku České taneční platformy!


Do 16. 11. máte ještě stále možnost přihlásit dvá díla na Českou taneční platformu.

Česká taneční platforma 2019 se blíží, hlaste se!

This season of Czech Dance Platform is long behind us, but still in vivid memory. Take a look back at the atmosphere of that time in short clip.


We are happy to introduce you works selected by Czech dance experts as well as additional selections by the Spectators Jury!

24th Czech Dance Platform Program Announcement!