Audience Jury CDP 2018

Audience Jury of the festival CZECH DANCE PLATFORM 2018

We want to know what you think!

Within the European project of active spectatorship Be SpectACTive! there´s been since 2016 chosen an Audience Jury working of the CZECH DANCE PLATFORM festival. Each year chosen a new group of people is watching perfomances and discussing with dramaturges, artists, festival organisors and selecting top 3 performances which are presented during the festival as a choice of the Audience Jury. Audience Jury members are chosen from our audience and spectators, not dance professionals.

What can you look for as a member of Audience Jury?

-        discussion with organisors, dramaturges, artists
-        open rehearsals participation
-        discussions about the watched performances

Besides the fact of influencing the festival programme and a chance to see more closely how the dramaturgical jury is working you will get more benefits:

  • non-transferable 50% off for all festival CDP 2018 applied perfomances 
  • membership in PONEC - dance venue club - "Já PONEC"
  • participation at the meetings of Dramaturgical Jury during the discussions abou the programme selection for CDP 2018
  • 1 non-transferable ticket for 3 perfomances within the festival CDP 2018
  • min. 1 non-transferable ticket after thediscussion meetings at PONEC - dance venue

What do we expect from you:

  • Active participaticipation during the meetings and watching the perfomances
  • Interest in watching the video of perfomances which is not possible to see live and vote for TOP3

Dates of meetings:

11. 10. Studio ALTA at 6pm

3. 11. , 18. 11., 14. 12.

More information and contact: Michaela Příkopová -

More about the project...
4 years long project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme by EU  (2014 - 2018)
→ active spectatorship
→ creative residencies
→ research and networking

Divácká porota ČTP


Contact: Michaela Příkopová -

Be SpectACTive!

 Kreativní evropa